About the Author

Le roi du gag meets Uncle Jean.
Ed Grant has been writing about movies and the media since the late 1980s. He edited, and was involved in every phase of production, of three volumes of the comprehensive, 800-page-plus, library reference volume The Motion Picture Guide (Cinebooks). He previously served as a staff writer for TV Guide and as managing editor of Movies on TV (Bantam). He has written reviews and features for a range of periodicals and websites, including Films in Review, Psychotronic Video, Videoscope, the books The Video Movie Guide (Ballantine) and Groovy Movies (Visible Ink), and familywonder.com, tvguide.com, and time.com.
Site Notes: Big thanks go out to Akira Fitton (Funhouse logo!), Paul Gallagher (technical assistance), and Arnold Neimanis (scans and original Funhouse site).
And those without whom the show would not have kept going — the camera people. They were (contact me if you did camerawork and are not on this list): Chuck, Patrick, Kim, Jim, Bob F., Akira, Michael F., Arnold (who also edited), Eric, Tim (who also edited), Sara, Carle, Bob S., Michael S., Chuck H-J, Rich, Charles.